Back pain means pain related to any part of Spinal Vertebra, Cervical, Thoracic , Lumbar, Coccygeal portions. That may be due to arthritis, ligament hurt , muscle pain inflammation to affected part, ankylosing spondylitis of cervical or Lumbar region (a condition in which vertebral., Joints became fussed and then fluxion movements restricted gradually forever).In arthritis condition Joints became inflamed and after sometime Joint destruction happens + cartilage loss common. Usually take M.R.I of Cervical spine, Lumbar spine as a part of diagnosis .Here we are giving samples of Cervical, Lumbar M.R.I Report.
Impression: MRI LS Spine revels
- Disc Desiccation with diffuse bulge at L2-L3,L-3-L4,L-4-L5,L5-S1 vertebral levels causing compressing the thecal sac, endplate changes, with annular fissure and right par central disc protrusion at L5-S1 level is seen to compress the right traversing never roots severely. These findings are suggestive of lumbar spondylosis with compressive neuropathy.
- MRI Cervicodorsal Spine Screening reveals Mild disc desiccation with posterior disc bulge at C3-C4, C4-C5,C5-C6 levels, with mild narrowing of spinal canal at these levels. Suggest dedicated imaging of the cervical spine for further evaluation if clinically indicated.
In this case Lumbar and Cervical spine are affected. Disc bulge, Disc tear, the cal sac and nerve root compression in lumbar region. Patient cannot stand or sit for some time. In cervical region also similar the cal sac and nerve root compression. This case we have treated recently .Within 3 weeks of time he went back to home comfortably.
Impression :
Lumbosacral transitional vertebra (LSTV) with sacralisation of L5 vertebra.
Lumbar degenerative changes with:
- Disc desiccation changes at all levels of lumbar spine.
- Prominent facetal arthrosis at all levels of lumbar spine.
- Posterior disc bulge at L3-L4 and L4-L5 levels causing bilateral exiting nerve root compression.
- No evidence of bilateral sacroiliitis.
The Solutions
This case also bilateral disc compression we have treated THOUSANDS(1000) of such cases , many of the case was advised surgical treatment. After treatment at our hospital. They are living comfortably we have GMP Certified classic and patient preparation for treatment.
Traditional Skill and facilities to handle all these situations.
Shoulder, Knee, L bow, Ankle joints, Finger joints, Heal pain- Shoulder Pain- may be Rheumatoid or secondary to diabetic frozen shoulder, swollen joints with pain, movements difficult, in advanced cases joint stiffness happens. We have the traditional knowledge and skill in diabetic frozen shoulder cases, we are diabetic specialists can give effective treatments .
In knee pain may be due to arthritis, +joint distruction may happens after a certain period ,swelling, cartilage loss, teer of cartilage may happens. In obese persons joint may distructed due to overweight. Diabetic also worsen the knee problem. As we are slimming, diabetic, Rheumatoid specialists ,we will give effective treatment in all these cases. Similarly other joints pain also will get expert treatment.
High Blood Pressure and Uncontrolled diabetes are the main two reasons leading to Paralysis. We have best diabetic control treatment and best Blood pressure management treatments, which will prevent the Paralysis. In Paralyzed patients we have the traditional skill and protocols for treatment, GMP Certified Classic and Patent preparations, and more over more than 41 years clinical experience to deal with the cases. We will give quality treatment for Paralysis.
It's portrayed by skin cells that increase up to 10 times faster than typical. As hidden cells achieve the skin's surface and pass on, their sheer volume causes raised, red plaques secured with white scales. Psoriasis regularly happens on the knees, elbows, and scalp, and it can likewise influence the middle, palms, and soles of the feet. Psoriasis ayurvedic treatment provided by us is very effective.
Online Consultation
Online consultation for patients with disc-bulge, disc- prolapse, ASO+VE, Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor +VE, ESR high, Joints pain, Lumbar, Cervical, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Finger Joints, Knee, Angle Joints pain or Swelling, Heel pain.
- E mail to –tomnambi22@gmail.com, or write your name, age, address with pin code, your phone number, what’s app number symptoms in a white paper, then what’s up message to 9947618385.Dr.Tom Nambi will reply and prescribe then payment through the GOOGLE PAY and will send medicines by India Post or by V.P.P.