Diabetes (or Diabetes Mellitus) is a persistent, lasting condition that impacts your body's ability to use the energy found in food. There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. Usually, your body isolates the sugars and starches you eat into a special sugar called glucose. Glucose stimulates the cells in your body. Hence, the cells require insulin, a hormone, in your bloodstream with a particular objective to absorb the glucose and utilize it for vitality. With diabetes mellitus, either your body doesn't produce enough insulin, it is unable to use the insulin it produces or a blend of both. Dr Tom Nambis Ayurveda gives Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in Kerala with legit results. Nambiaparambil Ayurveda Hospital holds the record for diabetic individuals who recuperated from diabetes through Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes.
Since the cells cannot absorb the glucose, it gets accumulated in your blood. High levels of glucose in the blood are prone to harm the minor veins in your kidneys, heart, eyes, or the sensory system. Which is why diabetes, especially if left untreated over a long time can cause coronary sickness, stroke, kidney infection, visual impairment, and damage to nerves in the feet.
Being one of the top 10 Ayurvedic hospitals in India, Dr Tom Nambis Ayurveda Hospital guarantees you speedy recovery from Diabetes.
Type I Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes known as insulin-subordinate diabetes was formerly known as juvenile onset diabetes since it commonly begins during adolescence. Being a condition of the immune system, it's brought about by the body striking its own pancreas with antibodies. The damaged pancreas doesn't produce insulin in individuals having Type 1 diabetes.
There are a number of medical threats associated with Type 1 diabetes. Colossal quantities originate from the minor veins in your nerves (called diabetic neuropathy), eyes (diabetic retinopathy), and kidneys (diabetic nephropathy). Significantly the extended risk of coronary sickness and stroke is very important.
Type II Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is called grown-up onset diabetes, and more young people are at the present diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes because of the over-consumption of sweets and junk food. Type 2 diabetes was called non-insulin-subordinate diabetes.
In Type 2 Diabetes, the pancreas produces some insulin as usual. Either the total insulin dispatched is deficient for the needs of the body, or the cells are impermeable to the same. Insulin resistance arises essentially in fat, muscle cells, and liver.
People who are quite heavy, that is above 20% over their BMI - are at a particularly high threat of being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and related therapeutic issues.
The blood test that assesses ordinary glucose levels in your bloodstream in the course of three months is called Hb A1C test. Alternate Hb A1C testing is advised to check how well the eating schedule, medicines, and activities are endeavoring to suspect harm of organ and control glucose.
Diabetes and Insulin
Eventhough insulin is the safe remedy for diabetes,its improper use will cause undesirable effects:
If we use more food and more Insulin – the result is an increase in weight. For a section of overweight patients ie; above BMI 24, we have developed ayurveda life style treatments to enable the patients to stop Insulin in most cases. We have medicines and treatment procedures to improve the functioning of the body, to overcome the metabolic disturbance.
Our treatment is helpful
Not healing ulcers in leg, feet, may lead to amputation, leg become black in colour, and lose the ability to feel your toes and feet.
Erectile dysfunction.
When you feel dyspnoeic on walking upwards (may have Cardiac Blocks).
When you suffer from High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol (may lead to stroke and paralysis)
In most cases we can stop taking insulin/tabs and significantly improve the functioning of the body through the diabetes Reversal Programme we have developed. Obese people with a BMI above 30 (BMI calculation is on the obesity page of the web) can reduce their wt. They can enjoy rest of lifetime as energetic individuals.
Inside of coronary arteries is narrowed by the accumulation of fat that is called Plaque Formation. And if 70% of a major blood vessel in the heart is obstructed, then the patient suffers from breathing difficulty on walking upstairs or walking in an elevated road. If the block is 80%, patient will have difficulty breathing on level walking. These symptoms are clear indication to start treatment. With the help of diabetic reversal program, the blood flow to the heart can be normalized and heart block can be avoided without angioplasty
The patient with advanced diabetes experience numbness in the feet, blackening of the skin on the feet, and a burning sensation in the fingers and toes. This is the right time to start treatment. Failure may lead to developing diabetic foot ulcers. Once treatment is started, the blood flow in the foot can be improved and foot ulcers can be avoided. When you lose the ability to feel your toes and feet, you are more likely to unknowingly damage them. Without a doubt, even a minor injury, for instance, a minor wound, can develop into an ulcer and a real infection.
Infection of the feet can spread up into the leg. Infection can be serious to the point that toes, the foot, as well as a part of the leg must be amputated. Amputations are carried out when attempts to save the leg or foot are unsuccessful or the ailment is bringing on extensive harm to the tissue. However, the specialists try to save most of the patient's leg/foot. Two essential conditions, Periphery Artery Disorder (PAD) and Periphery Neuropathy are accountable for the extended peril of foot issues in people with diabetes.
Gangrene (dry gangrene) is tissue death due to nonappearance of blood course. It can be life-crippling if bacterial infection occurs (wet gangrene). Various diabetes-related foot issues can be hindered by an incredible control of glucose levels combined with suitable consideration of the feet. If start the treatment in proper time we can heal the wound easily and will be able to avoid amputation.